One Layer Shortcut
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One Layer Shortcut. Part 1
Drawing / Imprimatura 1 / Imprimatura 2 / Oil Treatment / Oil Removal / Color Set / Grapes 1 / Dewdrop

One Layer Shortcut. Part 2
Dewdrop / Apple / Grapes 2 / Grape / Highlights / Generalizing Brush / Apple 1 / Tulip / Tulip Leaf / Pomegranate

One Layer Shortcut. Part 3
Pomegranate / Pomegranate Seeds / Bronze Bowl

One Layer Shortcut. Part 4
Bronze Bowl / Bowl Reflections / Bowl Highlights / Lemon

One Layer Shortcut. Part 5
Background / Tabletop / Palette Knife

One Layer Shortcut. Part 6
Tulip 2 / Dewdrops on Tulips / Ant / Signature / Drop Shadow / Apple 2 / Last Touch / Conclusion
One Layer Shortcut. All 6 Parts of Video
Important announcement! By purchasing All 6 Parts you have Instant access to correspond E-Book and opportunity to buy correspond DVD only for $20.00
Classical oil painting technique video workshop DVD, by Alexei Antonov. By purchasing All 6 Parts you have Instant access to correspond E-Book and opportunity to buy correspond DVD only for $20.00
The collection of 5 video lessons. Set of 5 DVDs
Great Deal. Collection of all available 5 video tutorials.
Set of five video lessons by Alexei Antonov includes: “Country Pitcher “, “Portrait of Anna”, “Claret Grapes”, “Portrait of the Yellow Rose”, “One Layer Shortcut” The collection of 5 video lessons with total value of $760.00 Now for a very attractive price of $500.00 with the phenomenal savings of $260.00
- only $500.00
- Download: Instant download of all videos
Tutorial “One Layer Shortcut” featuring the following stages:This video course gives you an opportunity to understand and practice the Old Masters’ painting technique. This shortcut method allows you to execute a painting in one layer, a technique that can help you complete an urgent order in two days..
About Tutorial “One Layer Shortcut” You can Buy: DVD, Download or Watch online
- Individual Parts of video tutorial $30.00
- All 6 Parts of video tutorial $170.00
- Whole video tutorial on DVD $190.00
- Set of 5 DVDs (best deal) $400.00
- Running Time: 120 Minutes
- Part Running Time approximately: 20 Minutes
- Produced by Alexei Antonov
- Translation and narration by Vladimir Pavlov